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Hope is so much more than wishful thoughts of something you want to happen. Hope is an assurance, a steadfast and most certain anchor in your soul that solidifies the reality that God is your refuge.

Despite all the adversities we face throughout our lives, God is the source of our hope. As you read the pages of this book, you will see firsthand how God brings Hope Alive to every person who is yearning for a reason to go on. Like a broken tree in a dark place is primed for new growth, God can use the rich soil of your dark place to prepare a new life to sprout in you.

You have just been planted! Hope will bloom in your life as you trust in God.

Press through the darkness of your challenging situations as you learn and grow with God. The stories and teachings in this book will empower you to cling to God and His promises, allowing you to spring into the light of hope. You will see the Sonshine of light beckoning as you burst from the same soil that once gripped you and hear God’s voice that will bring Hope Alive to your soul.

Hope Alive: Debilitated to Exhilarated with God

  • Connie A. VanHorn has a heart for encouraging others to find their God-given purpose. She serves on the Women World Leaders’ Leadership Team as an ambassador, is a best-selling author, and writes for Voice of Truth magazine. Hoping her story will help someone else, Connie passionately shares how her amazing and loving God spared her, an ordinary woman, and gave her new life.

    Connie resides in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, where she has participated in several discipleship classes and taught Sunday school to international students. She has also attended Bible classes at Vintage Bible College. 

    Being a mother is by far Connie’s greatest accomplishment and her first, best ministry. She dreams of changing the world by sharing Jesus and raising world-changers who have a kingdom perspective. 

    She enjoys being active in her community, making bracelets, journaling, and spending most of her time with her family. Connie wants her readers to know that it’s ok to be broken—it’s in our broken place that we find God. See past messy, see past broken, and you might just see a miracle. 

© 2021 World Publishing and Productions

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